Therapy Outcome Measure Handbook: Theory, User Guide and Scales

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Pamela Enderby and Alexandra John

The Therapy Outcome Measure for Rehabilitation Professionals was developed in the mid-1990s and designed to be a simple, reliable, cross-disciplinary and cross-client group method of gathering information on a broad spectrum of issues associated with therapy and rehabilitation.


The Therapy Outcome Measure for Rehabilitation Professionals was developed in the mid-1990s and designed to be a simple, reliable, cross-disciplinary and cross-client group method of gathering information on a broad spectrum of issues associated with therapy and rehabilitation. Since that time, its validity and reliability have been established, and the TOM has become an important tool for all AHP and other professionals working with a wide range of client groups.

The Therapy Outcome Measure Handbook is a thoroughly updated resource which brings together all the elements needed to enable the reader to understand and implement the TOM within their own team and with their clients. The theory and development underpinning the scales is now incorporated with the User Guide and Scales into one volume. The number of adapted scales has risen to 84, with a unique measure for measuring the impact of Long Covid. Some of the scales previously published have been updated to reflect changes in attitude and new knowledge. Twelve useful case studies illustrate the use of the TOM in settings as varied as in pulmonary care, art therapy and in a secure institution. Additionally, there are several scales developed by and for multidisciplinary teams working with different client groups.

The Handbook now includes a Patient Reported Outcome Measure based on principles of TOM — the TOM-PROM.

Alongside the Handbook, six books covering scales and resources for specialist areas of therapy and rehabilitation are available separately to ensure easy access to this resource:

  • Nutrition and oro-motor control
  • Assistive technology, external devices and equipment
  • Long Covid rehabilitation and case management
  • Paediatric and developmental conditions
  • Mental health
  • Acquired conditions

Published March 2025

ISBN 978-1-917465-00-7

Price £70.00 [+postage and packing]