“You all f***ing talk too much”: Meeting speech language and communication needs in homelessness settings



Leigh Andrews

The work of Speech and Language Therapists in homelessness settings is an emerging area of practice. This book is the first to address the role of speech, language, and communication needs in the sector.


The work of Speech and Language Therapists in homelessness settings is an emerging area of practice. This book is the first to address the role of speech, language, and communication needs in the sector.

Written in an accessible and engaging style, the book offers a range of approaches for both clinical and non-clinical staff to use when assessing and helping a person with communication difficulties. The book shows how SLTs can support work to end homelessness and outlines the additional skills SLTs require to work effectively in this field. It does not shy away from the harsh realities of hazardous drug and alcohol use, emotional trauma, discrimination, and pressure on resources.

You will find flexible pick-and-mix chapters headed with short descriptions of what clinical and non-clinical staff can expect to learn. The book is a practical guide to understanding and responding to communication needs and provides a range of downloadable resources to use in your settings.

Importantly, the book will also help commissioners understand why funding for specialist homelessness SLT roles should be a major consideration.

About the Author

Before training as a SLT, Leigh Andrews spent 15 years working in the homelessness field and is an acknowledged expert in this area of practice. She has written for both academic, peer-reviewed journals and professional magazines about communication and homelessness. Leigh is an Honorary Lecturer for the School of Health and Psychological Sciences at City, University of London.

Forthcoming Summer 2024

ISBN 978-1-907826-60-3
Price guide: £24.99, [+postage and packing]

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