Stammering Pride and Prejudice: Difference not Defect
Patrick Campbell, Christopher Constantino and Sam Simpson (Editors)
This book is a call to action. We invite people who stammer, professionals and researchers to work together to liberate the stammered voice: Stammering Pride and Prejudice.
J&R Press supports International Stammering Awareness Day 22 October 2020. Read Emma Alpern’s chapter from
Stammering Pride and Prejudice here now!
Stammering is typically stigmatized as a character flaw and personal tragedy. We challenge the stereotype that stammering is inherently negative. Instead, we position stammering as a different, valuable and respected way of speaking.
Read Free! Introduction to Stammering Pride and Prejudice.
Stammering Pride and Prejudice brings together new, empowering voices and opinions on stammering into one accessible text. Combining personal narrative, art and disability theory, we document how society has historically disabled people who stammer and the diverse ways in which people have created novel and exciting understandings of their speech.
Listen to Patrick Campbell reading from Stammering Pride and Prejudice.
Stammering Pride and Prejudice
- Is the first published book exploring stammering from a social model perspective written for people who stammer and the general public, as well as professionals.
- Represents diverse perspectives on stammering and highlights the attitudinal, environmental and structural barriers in society experienced by people who stammer.
- Chronicles newly-developed and undocumented narratives around stammering.
- Suggests ways of celebrating and taking pride in stammering so that it is no longer seen as the negative opposite of fluency.
Read or listen to the StutterTalk author interviews:
What they are saying about this book:
…The book is a true game-changer and should be included on the compulsory reading list of every SLT training course…
Read the review in Signal, Issue 54, Winter/Spring 2021
What have they said about Stammering Pride and Prejudice?
…I was delighted to receive an invitation to write a foreword to this book because it not only applies the social model of disability to understanding the lives of people who stammer but also serves as a political impetus to improving these lives…
Mike Oliver, Emeritus Professor of Disability Studies
…the essays, accounts, research, prose, testimonies, art and poetry in this multidisciplinary anthology will nourish and inform readers who stammer, and readers who don’t, for many years to come. Whether a stammer is a pathology, a quirk to be celebrated, a curse or a blessing, or all these things, Stammering Pride and Prejudice is a gift…
David Mitchell, Award-winning author and stammerer
…rarely do we read books which simultaneously inspire and challenge us to be better at what we do. Stammering Pride and Prejudice does just that and so much more. Stammering Pride and Prejudice is a refreshing book which challenges the reader to question what we breathe, accept, and take for granted regarding stuttering and stuttering therapy…
Voon Pang, School of Psychology, the University of Auckland. Full review in Journal of Fluency Disorders 65, 105776, 2000
…Stammering Pride and Prejudice is engaging, informative, reader-friendly, and timely. People who stutter still have few opportunities for identity exploration in ways that promote and dignify stuttering. In this book, stutterers serve as the reference group for themselves, rather than having people who do not stutter as the mainstream comparison group. Here, in twenty-two short but rich and engaging chapters, we have stutterers speaking for themselves, defining stuttering on their own terms, and presenting ideas and perspectives that challenge our traditional thinking about stuttering. The reader will not just read but experience the page…
Derek E. Daniels, Wayne State University, United States. Full review in Journal of Fluency Disorders 65, 105776, 2020
And finally, a Happy Anniversary from the Bulletin:
…Stammering Pride and Prejudice sheds a humanistic light on stammering, with a refreshing and easy to follow style of writing presented by both of the authors. Each chapter presents its own theme while also continuing to tie into the overall topic of the book. This book pushes forward a humanistic element instead of the medical model/theory, which we as SLTs are usually presented with in relation to stammering. In the book the authors present deep, organic insight into feelings and thoughts through poetry, images and personal stories authorised by individuals who stammer. Stammering Pride and Prejudice is an excellent read for anyone who is interested in gaining a deeper perspective into the thoughts of individuals who stammer. This book also acts as a supportive read for those who do stammer, as it shows that there are others who have gone through what they are experiencing, providing them with comfort that they are not alone on their journey.
As a whole, I enjoyed reading this book as I felt that it depicted a very human insight into the life journey and outcomes for people who stammer…
The Bulletin, September 2020. Reviewer: Sheeva Abolhassani, MSSS CCC-SLP, Allen Speech and Language, London Children’s Practice. Rating 4*
Published August 2019
ISBN 978-1-907826-36-8
Price: £19.99, [+postage and packing]
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