If speech and language therapists are truly to consider themselves holistic practitioners, all facets of their clients need to be taken into consideration. Spirituality in healthcare has long been explored from the perspective of nursing but is only just beginning to be examined in relation to allied health professions.
This book is the first to explore the role of spirituality in SLT from many perspectives: that of therapists, service users themselves, and from the point of view of a hospital chaplain. Contents will include:
- The definition of spirituality both generally and in the context of healthcare
- Why SLTs might want to consider the spiritual aspect of their clients and how spiritual considerations could impact practice
- The perspectives of three people with aphasia and how spirituality impacts on their condition
- A personal view from a hospital chaplain to highlight how chaplaincy and SLT may work more effectively together for the good of the clients
- An overview of cultural perspectives and an in-depth discussion from the clinician’s perspective
- Next steps
Published January 2023
ISBN 978-1-907826-49-8
Price guide: £24.99, [+postage and packing]
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