Intervention Case Studies of Child Speech Impairment


Barbara Dodd and Angela Morgan

Intervention for children with speech impairment is challenging. Identifying children with speech sound disorder (SSD) from those making developmental errors requires precise knowledge of typical and atypical speech behaviours in preschool children.


Intervention for children with speech impairment is challenging. Identifying children with speech sound disorder (SSD) from those making developmental errors requires precise knowledge of typical and atypical speech behaviours in preschool children. Some children’s ability to articulate sequences of speech sounds is impaired. Others have phonological difficulties in learning the rules that govern how speech sounds can be combined to make words. The cause of these difficulties includes sensory, motor, cognitive-linguistic, psychiatric and intellectual deficits. Some speech disorders are also highly heritable and are influenced by genetic endowment. Children with SSD are, then, a highly heterogeneous population.

Intervention Case Studies of Child Speech Impairment provides clinicians with clear models to differentially diagnose and treat a range of commonly presenting cases. Whilst acknowledging the challenges arising from funding, time management and caseload priorities, the many case studies illustrate the decisions made by clinicians about intervention approaches, implementation and ways of evaluation outcome, and provide usable evidence in the management of a child’s speech disorders.

Published July 2017

ISBN 978-1-907826-33-7
Price: £29.99, [+postage and packing]

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